Constructivism February 2019
After my 2018 explorations into the De Stjil school I decided…

Uberpaintings £550
These are all original watercolours in my Uberpainting style,…

Uberpaintings 22 x15 inches
These are all original watercolours in my Uberpainting style,…

Black And Whites
These black and whites were painted in my studio in New Zealand…

Some Triangles
My studio sort out is in full swing. Here are 5 exploratory paintings…

Very Large Watercolours
These are all 30 x 40 inches, so very large for a watercolour.…

Thailand Black and Whites
All of these original painting/sketches were achieved with my…

Abstracts 2
These are all original abstract paintings. They are based on…

Abstracts 1
These are all original abstract paintings. They are based on…

Uberpainting Sketches
These are all original Uberpainting watercolours and represent…

Very Large Watercolours
All the paintings are original watercolours very big at roughly…